There are more solutions than obstacles. Nicolas Zart
Mental health is an increasingly pertinent topic across industries, and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is no exception. Recent events, such as widespread layoffs in the electric drive sector, including at Tesla, highlight the importance of addressing mental health concerns. As a nascent industry dominated by startups rather than established OEMs, AAM faces unique challenges that could impact the mental well-being of its pioneers.
So, how can we proactively address mental health issues in an industry that has yet to fully take off? How do we foster an environment that encourages open dialogue and checking in with colleagues without stigmatization or alienation? These are the crucial questions we need to answer.
Mental Health in the Modern Landscape
It’s no secret that mental health issues are on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. From tragic suicides to senseless acts of violence, the constant stream of negative news can paint a bleak picture of society. However, it’s important to recognize that mainstream media often amplifies divisive narratives for sensationalism. Independent journalism and member-supported news outlets offer a more nuanced perspective, reminding us that the world is not as hostile as it may seem.
Courageous Pioneers in Uncertain Times
It takes courage to venture into uncharted territories, and the AAM industry is no different. Many professionals have left secure careers at established aerospace companies to embrace the uncertainties of electric mobility startups. This brave leap into the unknown can be emotionally taxing, especially when faced with criticism or skepticism from traditionalists. The early days of promoting electric vehicles (EVs) were riddled with personal attacks and keyboard warriors, but pioneers like yourself persevered, and now EVs are an undeniable force.
Nurturing Resilience in AAM
As we navigate the uncharted waters of AAM, it’s essential to foster resilience and support each other. While there may not be a definitive solution to mental health challenges, we can cultivate an inclusive environment that strengthens our bonds. We choose to stay true to our nature, even in the face of adversity, because giving up is not an option.
In the meantime, let’s prioritize outreach and positive interactions, no matter how small. Let’s counter the endless stream of negativity with a sense of curiosity and possibility. It’s time to embrace the unconventional thinkers and innovators who dare to challenge the status quo.
A Personal Journey in Electric Mobility: Overcoming Challenges
I’ve dedicated 17 years of my professional life to the electric mobility industry as a consultant and journalist. While journalism wasn’t my initial career path, sharing information and knowledge has always come naturally to me. However, writing didn’t come easily. I faced challenges with editors due to a unique set of circumstances: English, while speaken at home, is not my first language, and my educational background is in the literature of expats in 1930s Paris, with a minor in technology and the arts. Despite receiving industry accolades, I also endured harsh criticism and personal attacks from anonymous sources.
Navigating the industry as a senior member hasn’t been without its trials. I’ve come across individuals who boast about their achievements but fall short on delivery. It can be disheartening to witness the contrast between their words and actions. However, through open conversations with fellow professionals, I’ve realized that I’m not alone in facing these growing pains. We strengthen our bonds, knowing that our collective resilience and expertise will anchor us as the industry takes off. We trust that the transient individuals will drift away, leaving us to shape the future with dedication and passion.
Through this journey, I’ve also stepped out of my comfort zone and embraced public speaking. Although it doesn’t come naturally to me, I recognize its importance. I may not be the best speaker, but I believe in the value I bring with my decades of experience in this field. It’s about sharing knowledge and empowering others.
AAM Mental Health Solutions
Currently, there aren’t established AAM-specific mental health support groups or structures. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has addressed mental health concerns across the aviation community through its Mental Health & Aviation Medical Clearances Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC). They identified five primary responsibilities and focused on factors discouraging aviation professionals from disclosing mental health issues. You can read more about their efforts here:
Unfortunately, there is still much work to be done. Best practices include raising self-awareness, monitoring mood swings and reactions to events, and maintaining balance. Reach out intelligently and seek individuals with developed empathy. Apply the IQ+EQ+SQ equation to find like-minded people who can offer support and understanding. As consultants, we often navigate solo paths, bringing much-needed services to various companies. It’s easy to feel isolated, so we invite you to build a community of like-minded AAM professionals where we can support each other.
So here’s to the dreamers, the pioneers, and the resilient ones who dare to explore new frontiers. Together, we can shape a brighter future and continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.